Isn’t home decorating so satisfying?

I picked myself up a little bargain the other day. I’ve been looking for a little stool that will fit nicely under one of our windows for some time now. It’s amazing how long I spent trawling through websites looking for this. I mean, bordering on a wasteful amount of time – I definitely could have been doing something more productive. It’s kind of like looking for holidays in that sense. Once I’ve got an idea and a budget in my head I take it upon myself to scour every corner of the internet until I find it.

Sometimes said object will never materialise. In this instance ebay kindly presented this little gem and I knew it was exactly what I had been looking for. The material is a little dated and the colour doesn’t go particularly well with our scheme but I am intending on trying my hand at a little reupholstering. Wish me luck!

It’s so satisfying finding furniture that fits the bill so perfectly, 100 times better when its at a bargain.


Bring Back Letter Writing

I had a penpal when I was around 7 years old. For the life of me I can’t remember her name, however, she lived in Minnesota America and we exchanged letters a handful of times.

My mum had a pen pal when she was young and encouraged me that it would be a fun idea. So I signed up (or rather my Mum signed me up to a company who delt in the world of pen pals) Albeit short lived, lets face it- most things are at that age, I still remember receiving that blue Pochantos pack of letter writing stationary, equipped with air mail stickers and envelopes, I was so excited, common it was all Pochantos themed!

Im reminising about that today because it suddenly struck me that we now live in a social media-everyone can be connected in 2 seconds- no matter where you live modern age world. Me as a 7 year old now would probably be bamboozled at the prospect of writing letters. We have facebook duh.

This train of thought got me yearning to write a letter. So I did- I wrote a letter to a close friend in Italy. I perosnalised the envelope with some crafty goodness and I felt satisfied and knew that she would appreciate it far more than a facebook message.


My trusted Writing Kit:

This consists of my address book by Jan Constantine (I got mine from WHSmiths for around £10) and then my Wedgewood Writing set which was a gift (although it can be purchased at John Lewis)

So, I got crafting with my envelope to transform it from dull to dazzling, using odd bits of paper and stickers, it really was very simple & only took 2 mins tops. Here are the results:Image

I also came across some beautiful examples of letters and envelopes- it’s just a matter of stretching your imagination. Letters are so special to receive, adding your own touch is a reminder to that person how much you care.



These gorgeous envelopes are available on etsy.


These printable envelopes can be yours from here.


I’m a sucker for calligraphy.




Can I still be creative?


Most of my life I have created things. Up until early June my life was centred around making art and I chased wildly after my life long ambition of becoming an artist. My medium was sculpture: remnants of everyday objects that I invested huge amounts of time and effort into laboriously transforming in to works of art.

I gave my artist career my best shot. I had exhibitions, sold my work and taught to budding artists all over the Country.. I persevered and kept my chin up through the bad times. Hey, I even got an appearance on a TV show!

I look back with fond memories and of course miss that intoxicating rush of inspiration and that urge to make something- enabling my visions to come to life.

My decision to change career and become an air hostess was not not an easy or quick decision. I was working so hard- becoming a slave to my art and all of my decisions- the jobs I took and the art that I made was driven by the need to make money. I had lost that pure inspiration, that urge to just go create. When you have to make money within certain time frames, you don’t have time to make mistakes or to experiment with new ideas. The sad thing about it was that I wasn’t even making enough money- not enough to indulge or reward myself. I might have got there one day, where I could support myself comfortably, but was it worth sticking it out? 

For me, being creative is a way of life. I’ve realised that I don’t physically have to make things- creativity comes in all forms and this blog is my way of documenting (amongst many other things) and simultaneously working out a way to be creative whilst having a non-creative job. A little experiment if you will.

I thought I would kick start my way to a creative life with some inspirational quotes. As an artist procrastination can quite often get the better of you, part of the fun is letting your imagination run wild, these quotes gave me a little kick up the backside- and I think it worked, today my creativity has come in the form of words. This blog post.









My quick trip to Las Vegas

Yesterday I got back from Las Vegas- it turned out that I had a mere 24hours there, last night I slept for a full 14hours, I don’t think I’ve ever done that, not even in my University days.

I think I’m firmly back in the UK time zone now & glad to be home. Seeing Las vegas was fantastic, it’s like nowhere else I’ve ever been. The closest comparison I can make is when we took a family holiday in the Bahamas and stayed at ‘Atlantis’, it was complete luxury, the decor was very grand and took you by surprise at every corner. Las Vegas didn’t fail to impress in the department of luxury. The hotels were magnificent and the casinos glistened in a luring, ‘come gamble your money and have a great time’ kind of way. 

I visited Caesars Palace and The Venetian, both were a complete spectacle with so much to take in. My photos don’t really do it justice, there really was so much to see, it was a visual overload of colours, sparkling lights and theatrical architecture- completely as you’d expect & it didn’t disappoint. 

My verdict- I wouldn’t rush to go back, once you’ve seen it you’ve kind of been there done that. However, it would be great for special occasions in a group of friends, it’s a fantastic party city and you’d undoubtedly have a lot of fun. Till next time Las vegas.





1. The Venetian

2. Moi at the Venetian

3. Inside Caesars Palace




Today I’m packing some of my belongings for my trip to LAS VEGAS! A huge aspect of my job is travelling the world, which is certainly one of its perks. However, with that comes having to bid goodbye to your loved ones, which I often find difficult, particularly because I love our apartment and where we live. Albeit a very temporary goodbye, I always look forward to coming back to home comforts and I get a huge smile on my face as soon as I drive back in to our little town.

With that said, I have never been to Vegas before & am excited to witness the spectacles that I have heard so much about. Although we’re not there for long I will try and cram as much activity and sleep (zzz that will be much needed!) in to the 48 hours I am there for! For my birthday in June I received some travel journals as gifts and have been looking forward to writing about my adventures in them so that in the years to come I can look back and cherish all these memories ( I’ve been putting off writing in them because they’ I will have to reserve my neatest handwriting for them!)

I have got lots to look forward to when I get back on Friday, a very overdue night out sipping cocktails and then on Sunday we’re having my family round for a yummy roast.

I’ve had a fantastic weekend lazing about and going on Country walks. I also invested some time in some DIY- ok , so it was just painting a flower pot, but I tell you, it’s transformed. On my to-do list is: do more DIY projects they’re fun!


Country pubbing


Getting ready for Vegas, equipped with travel journals

Friday Feeling

2013-08-16 20.48.01

I thought I’d get this blog started with an insight into the goings on of my day. The morning consisted of trying to get my head around this blog (I’m getting there- must.have.patience.), it then improved massively with a visit to my Mums to join her for a tasty pub lunch & was then followed by an intrigueing yet very musky visit to a vintage shop (nothing was purchased but I’d recommend the experience for sheer wonder as to the things people will collect). Afterwards I popped to the Supermarket in the hopes of finding my new Elderflower flavoured obsession as pictured above- success. My evening consisted of cooking dinner (one of my few specialities- lasagne), being a couch potato & snapping some photographs of the very pretty view from our balcony, pink clouds and somewhere in the darkness a cute kitty cat who Im seriously considering catnapping.

It was such a lovely, content, warm day… I’m sat here contemplating my escapades for the next 3 days I have off work, lifes not too bad eh..