Can I still be creative?


Most of my life I have created things. Up until early June my life was centred around making art and I chased wildly after my life long ambition of becoming an artist. My medium was sculpture: remnants of everyday objects that I invested huge amounts of time and effort into laboriously transforming in to works of art.

I gave my artist career my best shot. I had exhibitions, sold my work and taught to budding artists all over the Country.. I persevered and kept my chin up through the bad times. Hey, I even got an appearance on a TV show!

I look back with fond memories and of course miss that intoxicating rush of inspiration and that urge to make something- enabling my visions to come to life.

My decision to change career and become an air hostess was not not an easy or quick decision. I was working so hard- becoming a slave to my art and all of my decisions- the jobs I took and the art that I made was driven by the need to make money. I had lost that pure inspiration, that urge to just go create. When you have to make money within certain time frames, you don’t have time to make mistakes or to experiment with new ideas. The sad thing about it was that I wasn’t even making enough money- not enough to indulge or reward myself. I might have got there one day, where I could support myself comfortably, but was it worth sticking it out? 

For me, being creative is a way of life. I’ve realised that I don’t physically have to make things- creativity comes in all forms and this blog is my way of documenting (amongst many other things) and simultaneously working out a way to be creative whilst having a non-creative job. A little experiment if you will.

I thought I would kick start my way to a creative life with some inspirational quotes. As an artist procrastination can quite often get the better of you, part of the fun is letting your imagination run wild, these quotes gave me a little kick up the backside- and I think it worked, today my creativity has come in the form of words. This blog post.









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