Isn’t home decorating so satisfying?

I picked myself up a little bargain the other day. I’ve been looking for a little stool that will fit nicely under one of our windows for some time now. It’s amazing how long I spent trawling through websites looking for this. I mean, bordering on a wasteful amount of time – I definitely could have been doing something more productive. It’s kind of like looking for holidays in that sense. Once I’ve got an idea and a budget in my head I take it upon myself to scour every corner of the internet until I find it.

Sometimes said object will never materialise. In this instance ebay kindly presented this little gem and I knew it was exactly what I had been looking for. The material is a little dated and the colour doesn’t go particularly well with our scheme but I am intending on trying my hand at a little reupholstering. Wish me luck!

It’s so satisfying finding furniture that fits the bill so perfectly, 100 times better when its at a bargain.


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