My Collection of Statement Necklaces


I have never been all that bothered by jewellery, whether it be necklaces, rings or bracelets they have mostly failed to inspire me or else I have felt that I simply don’t suit jewellery. In the past I have been given pendant necklaces that I have worn religiously everyday until they have broken or been lost- but for me I have worn them due to their sentimentality rather than an appreciation for the style of them.

Every girl loves a bit of bling and I am no different, but I have always felt more inclined to spend my money on clothes. With clothes I felt that I could really communicate my style, whereas I often felt underwhlemed by jewellery… That was until I began lusting over statement necklaces. Strangely I began to become a tad obsessed with these over-the-top, sparkly necklaces. They come in all colours and all arrangements and I found myself scouring the internet in hopes of finding the biggest, sparkliest jewelled necklaces possible.

It all began with a trip to next when I was still pretty afraid of jewellery- a lot of umm-ing and ahh-ing later (shopping is a serious business ..full of many dilemmas you know)  and I came home with the beauty above and have never looked back. So long dull pendants, it’s the statement necklace and me for the foreseeable future.. and so it began: my collection of statement necklaces.

