Sleek Face Form/Contour Kit Review


I was a complete contouring novice before I purchased this Sleek face form kit. I absolutely love my go-to Bobbi Brown rose shimmer brick, but I thought it was high time that I turned a bit more adventurous in the powder stakes. This handy little kit comes complete with contour powder, high lighter and blusher. For £9.99 I really thought that it was worth taking the plunge, and so far I am very happy.

I don’t apply it everyday- just on those days where I want to put in that extra bit of effort- also I had grown so bored of the same old make up routine day in and day out, so this mixes things up a little. I love the colour of the blush with its flecks of gold, and the contour powder is a lovely warm brown. So far I have only been using the contour powder to define my cheek bones but I may delve in to some you tube tutorials to work out other ways of applying it. 

All of the sleek products I have in my collection are such great value for money- the sophisticated, black packaging also seems far luxurious than its price tag suggests. All in all this is a great addition and I will continue to use it.

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