A Bicycle Ride in Los Angeles

I’ve been home-sweet-home for the last 5 days which has been so joyful, I’ve loved it. I’ve had a mixture of days off after my recent LA trip and a good dose of home standby days (basically days where I’m on call should a flight need me to operate).

So far this month I have had all my weekends off which has been such a lovely change and one that I hope will stick around for the coming months. It provides a bit of normality in a job that fluctuates quite a lot- I really enjoy being at home, sleeping in my own bed, tending to that ever growing list of jobs and of course it is great to be on the same timetable as family and friends.

I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to Los Angeles (my third since starting the job) and the crew were all fantastic which helps a lot, particularly if you’re new and still unsure of things to do. Five of us hired bicycles and went on the longest bicycle ride of my life. All in all we travelled a grand total of 34 miles. Seriously, I’m not sure I would have made it had it not been for the sheer determination of the girls that I was with & not wanting to hold the group up.

All that pain was so worth it though AND I feel like I achieved something pretty momentous- not to mention a healthy dose of exercise which comes along pretty rarely in life at the moment.

Luckily one of the girls had done the same bike ride the week previously so she knew the route and took up the post of navigator- of which she did a fantastic job. We pedalled our way from Long Beach to Huntingdon Beach with a brief stop at Seal Beach on the way back. We were very well provided for, with bike paths all the way- most of which winded across the beaches so that the views were absolutely fantastic, particularly on our journey back when the sun was setting creating the most vivid pink sky I have ever seen.


Huntingdon Beach Pier- we stopped at Rubys at the end for a pumpkin shake and chilli fries


Ahh look at that view- sun, sand, sea at Huntingdon Beach


Came across this fella ( I was terrified to get any closer! )


Surfer Dooood


At Seal Beach they serve coca cola in jars, this warranted a photo obviously.


This is no ordinary bicycle- this is a cruiser

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