My Workwear Look Book



As you can see I wear a lot of black and grey at work. I much prefer wearing muted shades in a professional environment- it is certainly the safer option particularly when you are meeting with customers on a daily basis. More importantly it requires very little thought when it comes to outfit planning- grey goes with grey, black goes with grey- black on black? That goes too! No early morning dilemmas for me!

I tend to favour trousers over skirts and dresses, just because I don’t have to worry about tights or my pasty legs. After working as cabin crew for 6 months I am now well and truly attached to my high heels and haven’t been able to bid them goodbye yet. This pair from Marks and Spencers are the comfiest shoes ever, I can walk for hours in them!

In the first picture I am wearing this ultra comfy polo top from Marks and Spencers and the accompanying pencil skirt is also from there. I have to admit that they are my first port of call for work wear. It is such good quality at an affordable price.

The second outfit shows one of my favourite pair of work trousers from BHS. At £17 they are a complete bargain and have lasted me fantastically. The zip detailing on them finishes the look nicely and I will definitely be repurchasing. Finally my top was bought a little while ago from Next who no longer stock it, however I have found a similar tweed top here.

Perhaps my work wardrobe needs a little injection of colour for Spring, however I have a feeling that the black may be staying around for a little longer. What do you think? Are black and grey your fail safe colours too?


Winter Look Book

In Winter I live in oversized jumpers and my black skinny jeans. It has to be the simplest ensemble to throw on, and it can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion with heels and jewellery or flats and a scarf.


Left Top: Loft (USA), Trousers: Dorothy Perkins, Shoes: River Island

Right Top: New Look, Trousers: Dorothy Perkins, Boots: Zara


 Left Dress: Primark

Right Top: next, Trousers: Dorothy Perkins, Heels: Zara


Both Jackets: River Island (I couldn’t choose!)

I love this years tartan trend: growing up with Scottish influences from my family tartan clothing was a common occurrence in my wardrobe as a child. I was so happy  to pick up this tartan dress from Primark- luck had it as the last one in store and in my size: that never happens!

I am really happy with my wardrobe this season, I think I have found a good rhythm in the outfits that I have chosen. Looking over these pictures it seems that I have a tendency for black, red and grey clothing (with a dash of pink!). I always seem to lean towards these colours subconsciously, often purple is included in that list too. I guess I like girly colours with a dash of black for a grungier effect. Also loving a red lip at the moment too- all in all I am very satisfied with my wardrobe right now, definitely a rarity for me so I will cherish the feeling!

A Spot of Shopping

I’m home sweet home 🙂 I arrived back from Kuwait at lunch time yesterday, more on that later. First of all I’ve got to showcase this amazing cat t-shirt that I picked up from River island today. Cats are without a doubt my favourite animals, unlike dogs they’re quite happy in their own company- I couldn’t be doing with needy pets, so in that respect cats tick that box. Besides that they are just utterly graceful, cool and collected. Sadly we cant have pets at our flat otherwise I would most certainly be a cat lady. I’ve already decided what breed/colour cat I want when we move to our next abode (which- top priority here- will allow pets!)


On this shopping trip of mine I also indulged in some lip balms. Being indecisive and also a bit greedy, lets face it- I’ve ended up with 3 lip balms. Initially I bought the Blistex raspberry lemonade (which tastes and smells delicious) but then remembered that Maybelline have a new range of lip care titled ‘Baby lips’ that needed my attention too. I ended up purchasing the mint and intensive care variations, so I am now fully stocked. 

The reason behind this lip balm splurge is because I have been encountering sore, dry lips during my flights. As cabin crew I am often left feeling dehydrated and this has a direct effect on my lips (which are prone to drying out anyway). I purchased Balmi a couple of months ago as an alternative to eos as we can’t purchase them in the UK.

I’ve got to say Im left feeling a bit disappointed. The actual balm was fantastic, I opted for mint flavour which left a tingle on my lips and tasted fantastic. However, the major and quite unforgiveable downside is that the little pot kept undoing in my handbag and smearing its contents all over anything it came across. My iphone, purse, and sunglasses have all had a good old layer of balmi goodness, unlike my lips it didn’t do them much good. Balmi, please sort this defect out! Once you do I will be repurchasing but until then i need a balm that will stay where its meant to!


So far I like these balms, they’re all soothing on the lips- and although they haven’t completely combatted my dryness I’m sure that with more time and use they will.