
Today I’m packing some of my belongings for my trip to LAS VEGAS! A huge aspect of my job is travelling the world, which is certainly one of its perks. However, with that comes having to bid goodbye to your loved ones, which I often find difficult, particularly because I love our apartment and where we live. Albeit a very temporary goodbye, I always look forward to coming back to home comforts and I get a huge smile on my face as soon as I drive back in to our little town.

With that said, I have never been to Vegas before & am excited to witness the spectacles that I have heard so much about. Although we’re not there for long I will try and cram as much activity and sleep (zzz that will be much needed!) in to the 48 hours I am there for! For my birthday in June I received some travel journals as gifts and have been looking forward to writing about my adventures in them so that in the years to come I can look back and cherish all these memories ( I’ve been putting off writing in them because they’ I will have to reserve my neatest handwriting for them!)

I have got lots to look forward to when I get back on Friday, a very overdue night out sipping cocktails and then on Sunday we’re having my family round for a yummy roast.

I’ve had a fantastic weekend lazing about and going on Country walks. I also invested some time in some DIY- ok , so it was just painting a flower pot, but I tell you, it’s transformed. On my to-do list is: do more DIY projects they’re fun!


Country pubbing


Getting ready for Vegas, equipped with travel journals