<3 Miami & Jessica Simpsons Clothing Range

On Friday I got back from my first trip to the stunning Miami with my new job. I have been twice previously on family holidays- once many years ago and most recently just overnight before we sailed out of Miami on a cruise of the Carribean. This time, however I was staying in downtown Miami instead of the more popular tourist destination of South Beach where I have stayed on my two prior visits.




Unfortunately we were only there for 24 hours, which is very short considering the jet lag and also the lack of time to explore- I would of loved to have been able to pop over to south beach (11 miles away) but time didn’t really permit, so I settled for a wander around the streets of downtown Miami. It was perfect- the sun was shining and everyone seemed happy and smiley amongst the hustle and bustle of the city. 

As the title of this post suggests- my exploration led me to the well-known department store ‘Macys’. As you can see from the picture- the outside of the building is in dire need of some tlc and certainly didn’t make a very good first impression. However, I was determined not to judge a book by its cover and luckily landed in the handbag department immediately as I entered. Surrounded by Micheal Kors and Calvin Klein handbags it’s difficult not to feel like a kid in a sweet shop, and my first impressions quickly faded.


Despite my awe of the handbags, nothing else really caught my eye, that is until I stumbled across Jessica Simpsons range of clothing. It was one of those very satisfactory moments where I would see something I loved and then behind it see something else I totally loved too. Each piece was unique and had a quirky edge to it that fits my style perfectly. Who would have thought it- me, ahhing over Jessica Simpsons clothing range, & enough so to write about it, its clearly got my stamp of approval.

So without further ado, here are some pictures of my favs:



Fun, flirty dresses. L: Brittain striped dress £45.82 R: Cap sleeve, lace pleated dress £113.04 Image

And for the cooler British weather L: long sleeve, todi marled knit £45.06 R: Long sleeve, open knit £60.35




My Skater Dress Obsession

Since I’ve been back from my trip to L.A I have been spending some quality time with my family and my boyfriend- in fact I’ve been very extravagant and have lunched both days (oh, to be a lady of leisure), done menial tasks such as food shopping and some slightly more satisfying tasks that come in the form of shoe shopping- which also led to a naughty purchase of a H&M dress. 

As I was browsing the rails of H&M I realised that whenever I go clothes shopping these days I always veer towards the same item. In fact, put me in a clothes shop and I seem to have a radar/some sort of weird instinct that naturally leads me to pick out all the skater dresses.

They’re just so easy: easy to wear, easy to style, dress up or dress down, flattering on all body shapes and fun and frivolous….all sounds great, but it got me thinking.. when did I become so predictable with my fashion sense?.. how did I get so safe?

I wouldn’t say I was ever a Lady Gaga styled fashionista, but being an art graduate I have had my moments of out-there fashion choices. I distinctly remember believing I had emulated Alice in Wonderland- I had this denim floaty dress that I loved and these white tights that I wore constantly. This was circa age 17. 

Ok, so the age of experimentation is behind me- at around 21 years old when I was getting really passionate about my artwork at University I decided to channel all my creativity in to that- that was my creative outlet, I didn’t need to express myself through fashion anymore- and thats probably when it fell to the wayside, or at least took a back seat.

So, I decided today that I’m going to stop being safe with what I wear. I don’t mean I want to start wearing crazy, whacky stuff- maybe just throw myself out of my comfort zone a bit. 

With that said, this truly, truly is (I’m vowing for it to be) my last skater-style dress purchase.
