Getting Some Zzzz’s and iPhone Blogging

This blog post can be defined as coming to you via my powers of multi tasking.
I’m defining it as that because I’m currently ‘at work’, as such. Ok.. so strictly speaking I’m lying in bed in my hotel room- there’s little to do besides that( it’s gone midnight) but, I had a eureka moment- as cabin crew I often have lots of unproductive time that is usually whiled away watching vampire diaries on my iPad. However, I want to get into the habit of doing more worthwhile things in this free time & writing is one way that I can use this time productively.
Essentially this is made possible through my wordpress phone app- right now I’m still currently in the UK (Manchester to be exact) so Internet is free, however we don’t always get the luxury of free wifi abroad so certain destinations may prove a bit trickier.
Anyway, here goes the start of my on-the-go blogging capabilities. I’ll too it off with a photo of my hotel bed. I am sooo ready for sleep! Night!
