Bring Back Letter Writing

I had a penpal when I was around 7 years old. For the life of me I can’t remember her name, however, she lived in Minnesota America and we exchanged letters a handful of times.

My mum had a pen pal when she was young and encouraged me that it would be a fun idea. So I signed up (or rather my Mum signed me up to a company who delt in the world of pen pals) Albeit short lived, lets face it- most things are at that age, I still remember receiving that blue Pochantos pack of letter writing stationary, equipped with air mail stickers and envelopes, I was so excited, common it was all Pochantos themed!

Im reminising about that today because it suddenly struck me that we now live in a social media-everyone can be connected in 2 seconds- no matter where you live modern age world. Me as a 7 year old now would probably be bamboozled at the prospect of writing letters. We have facebook duh.

This train of thought got me yearning to write a letter. So I did- I wrote a letter to a close friend in Italy. I perosnalised the envelope with some crafty goodness and I felt satisfied and knew that she would appreciate it far more than a facebook message.


My trusted Writing Kit:

This consists of my address book by Jan Constantine (I got mine from WHSmiths for around £10) and then my Wedgewood Writing set which was a gift (although it can be purchased at John Lewis)

So, I got crafting with my envelope to transform it from dull to dazzling, using odd bits of paper and stickers, it really was very simple & only took 2 mins tops. Here are the results:Image

I also came across some beautiful examples of letters and envelopes- it’s just a matter of stretching your imagination. Letters are so special to receive, adding your own touch is a reminder to that person how much you care.



These gorgeous envelopes are available on etsy.


These printable envelopes can be yours from here.


I’m a sucker for calligraphy.