My Knitwear Staples

I love snuggly knitwear- if it’s a chunky cable number then I’m probably going to love it. I have a fair few said items hanging in my wardrobe, they’re my autumn/winter essentials and so easy to throw on with a pair of black skinny jeans and boots. In our village on a Friday night I quite often dress one up with a pair of heeled boots and some jewellery to head down to the pub. It’s definitely my go to outfit for most of winter- so easy to layer up on those colder days and there are so many styles and patterns to choose from you can really go to town! Here’s a collection of my favourites from my wardrobe



From left to right: Warehouse (last years collection), Miss Selfridge (last years collection), River Island £35, BHS £25


And here’s a typical outfit, I would swap the heels for flats during the day (black jeggings: Dorothy Perkins £20, boots: Zara  £29.99)

outfit blog