Sleek Face Form/Contour Kit Review


I was a complete contouring novice before I purchased this Sleek face form kit. I absolutely love my go-to Bobbi Brown rose shimmer brick, but I thought it was high time that I turned a bit more adventurous in the powder stakes. This handy little kit comes complete with contour powder, high lighter and blusher. For £9.99 I really thought that it was worth taking the plunge, and so far I am very happy.

I don’t apply it everyday- just on those days where I want to put in that extra bit of effort- also I had grown so bored of the same old make up routine day in and day out, so this mixes things up a little. I love the colour of the blush with its flecks of gold, and the contour powder is a lovely warm brown. So far I have only been using the contour powder to define my cheek bones but I may delve in to some you tube tutorials to work out other ways of applying it. 

All of the sleek products I have in my collection are such great value for money- the sophisticated, black packaging also seems far luxurious than its price tag suggests. All in all this is a great addition and I will continue to use it.

Percy and Reed Hair Care Review



Travel sizes are great when you want to test a new product aren’t they? Before I had bought these two shampoo and conditioner tubes I had already worked my way through a full sized conditioner by the same brand that I had got as a freebie with a magazine. I had thoroughly enjoyed it.. it had made my hair silky smooth and smelling like I had just come out of the hairdressers.

Lo and behold a couple of weeks later when I was in John Lewis I came across a Percy and Reed travel set, complete with miniatures of volumising oil, finishing polish, bodifying cream and the shampoo and conditioner pictured. I immediately thought what a great idea and at £24 I thought it was reasonable enough to give it a go, after all: I had been impressed with their conditioner and already considered them a high end hair product- I also figured that my hair was in need of some tlc, so in a bid to improve my locks I shoved it in my basket. The illustrations on the packaging are also whimsical and unusual for hair products so I was also admittedly lured in by the originality of it.

This was some months ago now and the products still remain in my bathroom, not totally untouched- but I certainly haven’t been reaching for them daily. I found that when I used the shampoo and conditioner together my hair took on a strange texture once it was dry. Strangely, it seemed greasy- definitely not what you want from clean hair, I was thoroughly disappointed but persevered until I finally concluded it just wasn’t working for me.

The saving grace of this set is the oil which smells beautiful and really adds a finishing gloss to my tresses. I would definitely consider purchasing that again, however the shampoo and the conditioner was sadly a bit of a let down.


My quick trip to Las Vegas

Yesterday I got back from Las Vegas- it turned out that I had a mere 24hours there, last night I slept for a full 14hours, I don’t think I’ve ever done that, not even in my University days.

I think I’m firmly back in the UK time zone now & glad to be home. Seeing Las vegas was fantastic, it’s like nowhere else I’ve ever been. The closest comparison I can make is when we took a family holiday in the Bahamas and stayed at ‘Atlantis’, it was complete luxury, the decor was very grand and took you by surprise at every corner. Las Vegas didn’t fail to impress in the department of luxury. The hotels were magnificent and the casinos glistened in a luring, ‘come gamble your money and have a great time’ kind of way. 

I visited Caesars Palace and The Venetian, both were a complete spectacle with so much to take in. My photos don’t really do it justice, there really was so much to see, it was a visual overload of colours, sparkling lights and theatrical architecture- completely as you’d expect & it didn’t disappoint. 

My verdict- I wouldn’t rush to go back, once you’ve seen it you’ve kind of been there done that. However, it would be great for special occasions in a group of friends, it’s a fantastic party city and you’d undoubtedly have a lot of fun. Till next time Las vegas.





1. The Venetian

2. Moi at the Venetian

3. Inside Caesars Palace