Undisputed Love for my Clarisonic

The longer you leave between blog posts the harder it is to get back in to it- I have fallen victim to this- hence the very long delay since my last internet musings.

Anyway, up until about 5 minutes ago I had been thinking about saying adios to this little blog of mine. Well, I’m back, and hopefully this time I am here to stay!


So, without further ado I am going to jump back in with a current obsession of mine. My Clarisonic Mia First, which I was given as a gift for Christmas. It’s safe to say that as I plod on towards 30 I am reassessing my skincare products and regimes, and taking a far greater interest in my skin and how I look after it.

My skin has never been a huge source of worry- in fact it’s always remained pretty average: just the odd breakout here and there or strange patches of dryness in the Winter.

In the past year or so I have taken massive leaps and bounds in ensuring I remove ALL my makeup at the end of the day. If my skin is cleaned properly before bedtime then it is far less prone to breakouts. Albeit a very simple remedy sometimes it can be such a drag when you’re sleepy and just want to jump in to bed. We’ve all been there and sometimes motivation is difficult to muster at midnight.

Enter the Clarisonic. I love this little machine. If you want squeaky clean skin than this little baby will serve you well, I’m sure of it!


It doesn’t come cheap- anywhere in the region of £99 (Debenhams) and upwards with various different models costing more depending on their functions. I went for the bog standard Mia First. It only has one speed setting, but as a novice I felt this was fine for me. I purchased mine in the States when I was there with work so I managed to get it a little cheaper. I had to shell out a little more for an adapter when I got home and realised the charger was for an American socket. Fail.

In a nutshell this product is fantastic. I don’t use it everyday, perhaps every other day or just when I feel as though my skin needs a pick me up. From the reviews that I have read most people suggest that it’s best not to use it everyday as it could be a little harsh for your skin.

I simply dab a bit of face wash on to the wet bristles and then massage it into my face for the allotted 60 seconds. The face wash lathers up nicely and I can honestly say that my skin has never felt so clean after using it. You can also use it in the shower which is nice and convenient and boring as this may sound- the charge lasts a long time!

Have I noticed an improvement in my skin? Yes! I am a complete Clarisonic fan and will continue loving and using mine for long to come.